Parcel Inquiry GlossaryPARCEL IDENTIFICATIONThis is a code identifying a parcel of land. It consists of a 3-digit Assessor’s book number, then a 2-digit map number, and a 3-digit parcel number. It may also have an alpha character if the parcel was previously split from, or combined with another parcel. The last number is a computer-generated “check digit.” Each parcel number is unique; in that it is assigned to a single parcel and is never duplicated.TAX AREA CODEThis is a 4-digit number representing a region within the county where all the property has the same combination of taxing jurisdictions (governing bodies authorized by law to impose property taxes). Each tax area code will include the following taxing jurisdictions: the county, the community college, and one or more school districts. The tax area code may also include a city and/or limited purpose district such as fire, sanitary, flood control, road and improvement districts.TAX RATEThe annual Primary and Secondary tax rates are based on the tax area code in which your property is located. They are presented here as percentages and are used in a formula to calculate the Primary and Secondary tax amounts.TAX STATUS• TAX - Indicates taxes billed/paid.• AZ - Indicates that the tax year has a certificate assigned to the State of Arizona. • PUR - Indicates that the tax year has a certificate that has been purchased by a lien holder. • SBTX - Indicates the subsequent tax year has a certificate purchased by the lien holder. • REDC - Indicates the tax year has a previous certificate purchased by the lien holder. • REPU - Indicates that the tax year certificate has been re-purchased. • SBPU - Indicates that the tax year has a certificate that has been purchased by a subsequent lien holder. PRIMARY PROPERTY TAXThe gross taxes calculated on your Limited Value. Primary property taxes are those property taxes levied for the maintenance and operation of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and the community college districts.LESS STATE AID TO EDUCATIONThis represents a reduction to the primary school district tax. The reduction only applies to owner occupied residential properties. The school districts will be reimbursed by the state of Arizona.NET PRIMARY PROPERTY TAXThe net primary ad valorem taxes due after the State Aid to Education Reduction is applied to qualified properties.SECONDARY PROPERTY TAXSecondary property taxes are ad valorem taxes levied to pay the following: (a) the redemption charges on any bonded indebtedness or other long-term obligation lawfully incurred by any taxing district, (b) additional amounts required pursuant to an election to exceed a budget, expenditure or tax limitation of a particular taxing district, (c) limited purpose districts such as fire, sanitary, flood control, road and improvement districts.SPECIAL DISTRICT TAXSpecial District Tax includes any non-ad valorem taxes that apply to your property such as a per acre assessment by an irrigation district servicing your area.LIMITED VALUE (PRIMARY)A statutory value based on the lessor of the Full Cash Value of the property or an amount five percent greater than the Limited Value of the property as determined for the prior year. Full Cash Value (FCV) reflects the market value of land and improvements, including mobile homes. The FCV is the appealable value. The primary ad valorem taxes are levied for the maintenance and operations of cities, towns, county, community college and schools.LIMITED VALUE (SECONDARY)A statutory value based on the lessor of the Full Cash Value of the property or an amount five percent greater than the Limited Value of the property as determined for the prior year. Full Cash Value (FCV) reflects the market value of land and improvements, including mobile homes. The FCV is the appealable value. (Please refer to your Notice of Value, or contact the Yavapai County Assessor for the amount of your FCV.) The secondary ad valorem taxes are levied by limited purpose districts, such as fire, sanitary, flood control, road, and improvement districts. The taxes also pay for bond issues and additional amounts levied pursuant to an election to exceed budget, expenditure or tax limitation.PERSONAL PROPERTYThe limited value of taxable personal property such as business equipment and mobile homes.LAND, BLDGS, ETC.The limited value of the improvements on the land, including buildings and other items such as concrete slabs, fences, etc.ASSESSMENT %The statutory ratio for various classes of property. It is a percentage that is multiplied by the assessed property value to arrive at the net assessed value.EXEMPTIONThe Arizona Constitution provides tax exemptions for several categories of property and property owners. The amount in this column is the assessed value that is exempt from taxation.NET ASSESSED VALUEThis is the taxable portion of your assessed value. This amount is multiplied by the tax rate to arrive at the tax amount.LEGAL DESCRIPTIONA description of the parcel of land. This description may be abbreviated; for a complete description, refer to the latest conveying document.SITUS AddressThe actual physical location of the property.JURISDICTIONThe breakdown of taxes levied by the governing bodies authorized to impose property taxes within your property’s Tax Area Code.NAME AND MAILING ADDRESSThe mailing address is the billing address and not necessarily the property address. If the address shown on your statement is incorrect, please fill out a change of address form located on the Yavapai County Assessor’s website . Submit the change of address to the Assessor per the instructions on the form. The Yavapai County Treasurer will obtain the updated address from the Assessor’s system. |